Anti-Capitalist Hypocrite Clownboy Russel Brand Flees to Safety in His Private Jet Like a Scared Schoolgirl

Taking no chances! Russell Brand wears disposable gloves as he flees Australia and flies back to London with his family amid coronavirus pandemic – after hiring a private jet to escape his remote holiday accommodation
British comedian Russell Brand and his family were seen at Sydney International Airport, bound for London amid concerns of the coronavirus pandemic.
The 44-year-old, his wife Laura Gallacher and their daughters Mabel, three and Peggy, one, checked into their flights on Saturday.
The comedian took no chances and wore blue disposable gloves as he strolled through the airport with eldest daughter.

Taking no chances! Russell Brand (pictured) was seen at Sydney airport Saturday, wearing blue disposable gloves. He is pictured with his daughter Mabel. The comedian has fled Australia and is flying home to London with his family
The Get Him To The Greek actor dressed comfortably for his long haul flight back to England wearing a black hoodie emblazoned with the word ‘Grateful’.