JP Veritas

What is Truth? (Not Built for "Likes")

Category: Great Excerpts

April 18, 2018

Chesterton: On Optimism

As the great G.K. Chesterton wrote: “The pessimist is commonly spoken of as the man in revolt. He is not. Firstly, because it requires some cheerfulness to continue in revolt, and secondly, because pessimism appeals to the weaker side of everybody, and the pessimist, therefore drives as roaring a trade as the publican. The person […]

January 28, 2015

Excerpt From Power vs. Force by David R. Hawkins

While the young are being programmed by specialized TV and computer games that glorify violence, their parents are being brainwashed by adult media. Kinesiological testing showed that a fairly typical TV show caused test subjects to go weak 113 times during a single episode. Each of these weakening events suppressed the observer’s immune system and […]

May 16, 2014

Redistribution of Wealth by the State?

Those who might believe that redistribution of wealth by the state is something that the Catholic Church endorses should read: RERUM NOVARUM ENCYCLICAL OF POPE LEO XIII ON CAPITAL AND LABOR  Of note: 4. To remedy these wrongs the socialists, working on the poor man’s envy of the rich, are striving to do away with […]

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